The ScoutMaster Conference is the opportunity to hear from the boys as they transition through the boy scouting program.
Show Notes:
- Sample Scoutmaster Conference questions (PDF)
- Understanding the Scoutmaster conference from Scouting Magazine.
- Discussion of the Unit Leader Conference from Voice of Scouting.
A scoutmaster conference is an opportunity for the scoutmaster and the scout to take a moment and focus on the individual scout.
Much of the scouting program is directed at the larger groups, from the troop to the patrol, and the Scoutmaster Conference is the opportunity to discuss the scout in a small group setting, usually taking place with a couple of leaders and the scout.
During this session I like to discuss the scouts specific place in the troop, see what his ambitions are and also see how he fits in with his patrol and the larger troop.
This opportunity is the place to listen, not to test. A scoutmaster conference is not a test of the scout’s abilities, although these abilities invariably come us as part of the conversation.
Usually this conversation takes about 15-20 minutes, and usually includes the requirement to demonstrate Scout spirit by living the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Doing this at the same time as the Scoutmaster conference lets you use the requirement as a chance to have a meaningful conversation with the scout regarding what HE gets out of the program.
It also gives the Scoutmaster the chance to help the boy grow in conviction, and to build the skills to give his opinion, think critically, and defend his answers.
To do this, you build to it over time. It’s one of the reasons I like to be the constant force through each rank with as many scouts as possible, so I can see them grow through the program.
Having someone participate consistently for conferences lets you build strong bonds with the boys, as each conference builds from scout, to tenderfoot, through the early ranks all the way to Life and Eagle.
In the beginning, as Scout and Tenderfoot scouts the answers are usually short, and not very thought provoking. By the time they are Star and Life scouts I make the scouts defend their answers, and have a real dialog. This not only helps them through life, but if gives them practice as the sit for an Eagle Board of Review.
It’s gratifying to see scouts who come into the troop and have no idea what to expect of these conferenced and over the course of many years, blossom into thinking, competent young adults.
The Scoutmaster conference is also a great place to find out what issues are happening within the patrol or the troop that you might not realize. You find out all sorts of things from scouts that are disrespectful to leadership to parts of the program or trips that boys might not be to enthusiastic about, but haven’t come out and voiced as such.
The scoutmaster conference is the perfect place to simply listen to what they have to say, even if you might not like it, at least you can respect their opinion by hearing them out. But this is what works for us.
Take what you like and leave the rest, and as we say in Woodbadge, feedback is a gift, leave yours below in the comments, with the hope we can all learn together.
I’m Scoutmaster Dave, and this was the Scoutmaster Conference.
As Part of my WoodBadge Ticket, I created a document for each rank with a list of things to ask scouts about during their Scoutmaster Conference.